Theologicum at Fürstengraben 6

Theology and Religious Studies in Jena

Theologicum at Fürstengraben 6
Image: privat

Jena is the innovative centre of Thuringia with a rich cultural and scientific tradition. The city is characterised by its historical significance and is distinguished not only by its lively cultural scene, but also as an important research location. Between the surrounding mountains and the Saale valley, diverse working and living environments come together. People from all over the world, with different religious and cultural backgrounds and attitudes, come together in Jena and create a dynamic and enriching atmosphere.

At the heart of this lively environment is the Faculty of Theology at Friedrich Schiller University. Here, openness to dialogue, critical thinking and interdisciplinary approaches in theology and Religious Studies are combined with the responsibility of Christian proclamation and religious education in an open, democratic society. The Faculty stands for the in-depth examination of theological topics with intercultural and interreligious bond. Studying in Jena means being part of a well-networked environment - both locally and supra-regionally, nationally and internationally.

  • Sprachen lernen bei SprachKult!
    Image: Th. Kahl, Gestaltung: F. Weigelt
    Languages for allde The Faculty of Theology is part of the Languages and Cultures (SprachKult) programme. Here you can attend language courses that are tendered as part of other degree programmes. SprachKult also offers events on many languages and cultures of the world.

Head of the faculty

  1. Wermke, Michael, Univ.-Prof. Dr Dean Dekanat der Theologischen Fakultät
  2. Bezzel, Hannes, Univ.-Prof. Dr Pro- and Dean of Studies Professur Altes Testament

Your contact to the Dean's Office

Faculty of Theology of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Office hours:
by arrangement

Postal address:
07737 Jena